Nathan Lambert Contact & Media

I've gone beyond the point where I can reply to every email or request. To help process this information, I have strict rules for where different requests should go.

I do read all of my personal emails, but I do not have time for some responses.

Some guidelines to getting in touch:

  • My primary email is [firstname] at This is for direct communications and coordinating engagements. 
  • For Ai2 projects, use olmo at for OLMo questions and tulu at for Tülu post-training questions.
  • All engagements with private companies that cannot share the materials publicly are consulting. I do these very rarely and they require a premium price.
  • Media should either email me at [firstname]+press at or and mention me.
  • All inquires related to promotions or business operations of should go to mail at
  • I have other email addresses. Using these incorrectly (e.g. found on the web randomly) will result in you message being ignored.

Other forms, from Twitter to Substack DMs are used randomly and do not have a promise of reading content. Email is my primary form of communication.

Speaker bio: Nathan Lambert is a Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for AI focusing on post-training and RL. Previously, he helped build an RLHF research team at HuggingFace. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley working at the intersection of machine learning and robotics. He was advised by Professor Kristofer Pister in the Berkeley Autonomous Microsystems Lab and Roberto Calandra at Meta AI Research. He was lucky to intern at Facebook AI and DeepMind during his Ph.D. Nathan was was awarded the UC Berkeley EECS Demetri Angelakos Memorial Achievement Award for Altruism for his efforts to better community norms.

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